Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Is Senescence?

Senescence is a period of human life which starts at 70 years. At this age do occur various natural changes in human body. First sign of senescence is reduction of skin elasticity. Changes in tissues structure are followed by changes in internal organs. Tissues get wrinkled and muscles get mummified.

Visible signs of senescence may be detected while examination of cardiac muscle. Reduction of elasticity of blood vessels leads to blood vessels diseases. Significant changes occur in ostein. In women most frequently occurs decalcification, bones become fragile and do easily get broken. In men occur prostate gland diseases. Vision and hearing lower.

With age people lose teeth and as a result food is hardly munched. At the age of 50 years increases risks for cancerous growths developments. Physical capacities get decreased significantly, however mental capacities remain without changes till extreme old age.

Remember senescence signs:
  • age from 70 years
  • fragile bones, frequent dislocations and even fractures
  • sclerosis, forgetfulness
  • reduction of skin elasticity
Indifference to what is happening around, contemplation of death and suicidal thoughts are signs of mental disorder and not signs of senescence, so these signs require treatment.

Senescence causes
Today science still got no answer to many questions about senescence, however, it can be claimed that the main role in this process play cells - building material which forms human body. It was found that as human ages, his cells do accumulate more and more “wastes” of metabolic processes, but gradually cells lose their ability to do that. Also gets changed genetic data encoded almost in each cell of human body. Human cells cannot reproduce themselves infinitely.

The more frequently cell splitting occurs, the more quickly body uses up. As a result do appear chromosome deficiencies, and cell dies after a number of splitting. Remember that lifestyle has its effects on senescence process. Key role here play heredity and environment.


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