The more time you spend in sitting position at home or at work, the more higher is risk for cancer, say Canadian scientists. To protect yourself from negative effects of sedentary lifestyle, you should get up and make some exercises from time to time.
“There exists strong proof that bowel cancer and breast cancer do rarely affect people who are physically active. However, it is not enough to follow recommendations according to which minimal activity rate necessary for the health is 150 minutes of exercises weekly. If in the rest time you make nothing but spend it in sitting position, then you surely will have problems”, report scientists from Calgary, Canada.
Regular exercises help to reduce risks for bowel cancer development by 35%. The more you make exercises, the better effects you get. Physical activity reduces risks for breast cancer development by 25%.
There exists an opinion that overweight increases risks for cancerous growths due to increase of inflammation rate in the body. Physical activity reduces the number of inflammatory markers and this explains physical activity influence on risks for cancer development which increases in presence of inflammatory processes in the body.
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