Scientists from Albert Einstein College of Medicine work on a super pill that would treat patients with Alzheimer disease, diabetes, heart diseases, and to prolong life up to 100 years, writes Daily Mail. Scientists have identified three genes that provide a long and healthy life and also prevent from course of diseases connected with body aging. This helped them to create senescence pill.
People, whose DNA contains those three genes, 80% rarely suffer from Alzheimer disease. Also those genes do protect humans from dangerous effects of smoking , poor diet, obesity and lack of physical exercise. Works on creating such super pill are made in several laboratories. Scientists want to find a formula which will imitate activity of these genes.
In 2009, in India, was tested a cheap medication that helps to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Test showed that this pill lowers 80% risk of heart diseases, it is safe for the body and digests well. The pill consists of folic acid and five active pharmacological components that are available separately: aspirin and statin that lower cholesterol level in blood and three components lowering blood pressure.
In 2009 also was discovered that antifungal rapamycin has properties of elixir of life. Rapamycin is found in soil and is produced by soil bacteria. Today medications having rapamycin are used as immunosuppressants preventing human body from rejecting transplant organs.
During an experiment, American researchers gave rapamycin to mice who reached eldery in 20 months that corresponds to a man of 60 years. As a result, life time increased 38% in does and 28% in toms. Scientists say that such rapamycin effect is achieved because the medication blocks TOR protein work regulating cellular metabolism, cells growth and protein production.
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