Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Physical Side Effects of Using Steroids for Males

Steroids physically affect the body in a number of ways. Steroids affect males differently than females. The drugs produce different side effects in different people. It is important to know that steroids such as testosterone are produced in the body, and many of the changes produced by steroids are simply amplifying what occurs naturally within the bodies of all people. For example, all men have breasts, but the use of steroids can cause them to become enlarged beyond what is considered normal.

Overall Side Effects

Two of the major side effects of the use of steroids is an increase in both body weight and an increase in strength. These are among the primary reasons that men use steroids. A result of steroid use is muscular hypertrophy, or increase in size, from the stimulation of protein synthesis. This process can help the development of muscle tissue and reduce the amount of recovery time needed after weight lifting. However, some of the negative effects from using steroids include bloating and acne. The steroid user may gain weight, but some of this is attributed to water retention and bloating. Steroids also affect the heart. The heart is a muscle, and steroid usage can causes changes in the heart. One of these changes is a decrease in HDL cholesterol and an increase in LDL cholesterol, resulting in overall raised cholesterol. Many of the physical side effects of steroid use aren't seen by the human eye and affect the body on the inside.

Reproductive Side Effects

Testosterone (a steroid) is naturally produced in the testes of males. When the body is acquiring testosterone from an outside source, it will reduce the amount produced naturally. When this substance is introduced to the body in unnatural amounts and in unnatural ways, it can result in the testicles shrinking, lowered sperm production and impotence. In addition, men may experience enlarged breasts, frequent erections and unusual hair growth and loss. Steroid usage can also lead to an enlarged prostate and can increase the risk of prostate cancer. Men can also experience infertility as a result of steroid usage. In addition, the male sex drive may undergo changes.

Side Effects in the Central Nervous System

In addition to looking different, steroid users will also feel different. Many of these side effects won't manifest themselves to others, but some of them will in some men. Behavioral changes and psychosis are common. This psychosis is drug-induced and results in a loss of contact with reality, leading to poor judgment, violence and impulsive acts. Steroid users will often abuse other substances in an effort to counteract the side effects of steroid usage. Many steroid users will suffer from depression as a result of using the drug. This depression can be so severe as to lead to suicide. Steroid users may be antisocial and avoid contact with other people, even though their steroid usage could improve their appearance in the eyes of others. 

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