Starting from middle age, human body starts experiencing difficulties with daily loads, as physical and mental abilities gradually fall down. In developed countries an average lifespan is 70 years. In fact, a human can live 120 years, but failures in work of various body systems, which occur in second part of life, do prevent this.
Age-related changes lead to chronic and sometimes to fatal illnesses. Most vulnerable are cardiovascular, digestive, nervous and reproductive systems. Most common age-related diseases are Alzheimer's disease, osteoarthritis, cancer, diabetes, depression and heart diseases.
Peak of growth and maturation of human body occurs at the age of 25, then follow natural processes of maturity and aging. Some age-related changes are beard hardly, but they not always do transform a man into feeble old man. Specific nature of aging process depend on health condition, lifestyle and genetic predisposition of a man.
Aging process is followed by the next changes:
- hearing impairment (especially it becomes difficult to hear high tones)
- increase of fatty tissues in comparison with muscular ones (the correlation may be 30%). Subcutis, which previously was distributed through the whole body, now becomes thin and as a result fat is accumulated in abdomen area. Human body loses its ability to intensively diffuse fats (including cholesterol and fat-soluble substances) and they are accumulated in the body.
- water reduction in the body, which leads to aggravation of water-soluble materials absorption. Body reduces production of saliva and other moisturizing liquids
- aggravation of liver and kidneys work, as a result in the body are accumulated harmful products of metabolism
- aggravation of digestion due to lowering of gastric acid production
- musculature weakening, aggravation of motion coordination, reduction of movability, dexterity and flexibility
- reduction of sex hormones production, sexual function lowering
- changes in cardiovascular and respiratory systems lead to aggravation of delivery of oxygen and nutrient substances to organs and systems of the body
- aggravation of nervous system work. Signals from brain are transmitted not so effectively as before. Reflexes slow down, memory and ability of new information perception get reduced
- reduction of thickness of bony tissue and strength of bones
- gradual decline of hormones production especially thyroid and sex hormones
- visual deterioration
- reduction of natural production of Vitamin D
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