Less sugar and alcohol
It is considered that life begins after 30s. Partially, it is true. Usually reaching 30 men achieve wishful carrier results, start a family, buy own house, car, etc. In order to get all that, men often are as busy as a bee. As a result instead of home prepared dinners and suppers they have coffee in plastic cups, pops, fried pies, hamburgers, chocolate – generally speaking, many sugar and fats.
Meanwhile, doctors from Michigan Institute Medical Center claim that jump of glucose level in blood may lower work of immune system for 3 hours. It would be enough to drink one bottle of pop to lower immune system work by 30%, some of immune cells lose their ability to seek and destroy infections in the body.
Another killer of immunity is alcohol. Men over 30 are at risk for weekend alcoholism: after hard working 5 days week man goes to the restaurant, or buys in the market a bottle with wine,, or just drinks beer with his friends – and this becomes a habit. Each dose of alcohol reduces the body's ability to produce cells that fight infections.
In order to reduce negative effects of alcohol and sweets, specialists recommend not just to reduce their consumption. You should eat more products rich with fiber (cereal bread, pasta, porridge, vegetables), which are the source of useful bacteria for bowel. Maintaining right bacterial balance prevents from absorbing various infections via digestive system.
Regular exercises
Power load and exhaustible aerobic trainings probably will help you lose weight but immunity will be lowered. Doctors from New York's Lenox Hill Hospital say that you should strengthen your immunity with moderate regular exercises.
Regular exercises literally do disperse immune cells making them run via blood faster which reduces chances of bacteria and viruses to escape detection. The ideal formula of healthy workout is following: 20 minutes of easy running plus 15 – 30 minutes of power training three times a week.
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