Is there anyone who dislikes after a long fatiguing day watching TV or reading abed? It stands to reason that fatigue from work and home problems people relieve by lying on the bed. In case you really want to energize your body it is better for you to sleep.
Sleep is a restorative process necessary for a normal immunity functioning. From half to an hour of extra sleep is enough to make your immunity system much stronger. The main thing is that you should not fight with yourself when you feel you want to sleep. This is the way body says you that it needs reloading.
Learn to relax.
40 – 45 years of life are most stressful. Problems on the job, conflicts with grown up children, psychological borders of middle-aged – all these things superimpose on one another and as a result you feel permanent psychic tension. Stress washes you out not only morally but also physically making immune system work erratically, and as a result your body reacts slowly on viruses and bacteria. You should contribute time to relax, at least 15 – 20 minutes every three hours.
For example, at work you can catch a break and drink a cup of coffee, or you may go out on fresh air, or just lean backwards and close your eyes. Many companies long ago have understood benefits of this and so they made special relaxing rooms employees. These are small dark rooms with comfortable chairs where employees may relax and even have a nap.
However, remember, if you have a free moment from work and you switch your attention on an internet site or other computer entertainments – you just fool yourself. Your brain works on with the same intensity and maybe more harder when you check your mail, talk on the Internet chats or just check your cell phone. Psychologists claim that plenty of equipment and means of communication have a great impact on the mind and all these things do overload us with information which causes chronic stress.
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