What role do play injectable steroids in common treatment regimen?
Injectable steroids may be an addition to common treatment regimen which consists of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, work therapy, adaptive devices such as sticks and tires. The choice of one or several methods of treatment depends on nature of the disease.
For example, in absence of other diseases, tendinitis may be treated only with injections of steroids into affected area. However, in rheumatoid arthritis injections are just a small part of multi aspect treatment regimen.
In what cases injectable steroids are contraindicated?
Steroids should not be injected into the area damaged by infection or in case infection was found in the body because steroids inhibit natural immunity resistance to infections. Also injections are ineffective in large erosion of joints.
If patient takes medications which thin the blood, injectable steroids may cause bleedings in injection area, therefore in such cases injections are made very carefully.
It is recommended to make not more than three injections monthly because of high risk of athropy of tissues in injection area.
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