Loss of consciousness is connected with sudden interruption of blood supply into brain.
- sudden lowering of blood pressure
- sudden drop in pulse rate
Electric excitation extends over ventricles and the heart throws blood at the rate of 60 – 80. During periodic losses of consciousness the sinoatrial node temporarily goes out and in heart do appear additional excitation focus. Appears arrhythmia. In these moments man loses his consciousness, falls down and thus risk of loss is extremely high.
One more cause for rhythm disturbance is cardiac conduction system. Despite the activity of pacemakers, its impulses do not achieve cardiac muscle. Signs of this disturbance are common: brachycardia (slow pulse) and dizziness.
The diagnosis is made simply – for 24 hours patient wears a portable device that records heart rate. This method is called Holter monitoring.
Rhythm disturbance is treated with artificial pacemakers. Microdevice are implanted under skin in breast area and its electrodes are implanted into right atrium and right ventricle. Artificial pacemakers do imitate normal work of sinoatrial node and cardiac conduction system. A particular frequency of rhythm is set and the heart follows this rhythm. The operation is well tolerated by patients.
Pay attention!
- Fantness is a sign of heart rhythm disturbance.
- When losses of consciousness occur frequently, it is necessary to consult the doctor.
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