Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dangerous Diseases In Old Age

Falls are dangerous for older people because of possible intracranial hemorrhages. The danger of such  hemorrhages is that they have no frank symptoms such as visible scratches and subdermal hematomas. If a man hits his head while falling it may not always be followed by loss of consciousness. And even a man who had a short loss of consciousness may not pay attention to it and would go on with what he did.

Such traumas are dangerous because hematomas in brain lining do develop gradually. Blood from damaged blood vessels may accumulate during 2 – 3 days. The man feels restraint and sleepiness. The case may end with cerebral edema and even with death. A man with good health should display suspicion.

Pay attention!
In case of head trauma it is necessary to consult doctor.

Most dangerous place in a house of an aged man is bath room. 85% of patients over 50 get traumas in bath room. On a slippery wet surface a man may easily lose footing and get head traumas (intracraneal hematoma) and limbs traumas (fracture of hands, fracture of hips). In order to prevent aged people from traumas the bath room should be equipped with special devices providing secure foothold in any position.

Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is most frequent problems in old age. Most common symptom of this cancer is retention of feces. When in intestinal lumen appears cancerous growth, comes up a moment when it prevents feces from releasing. An extreme degree of complications is acute intestine blockage when appears fecal impaction. This condition requires immidate operation.

Pay attention!
Deficiency of feces during seven days is a right indication to consulting a surgeon.

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