Monday, May 14, 2012

3 Signs of Aging

Aging signs are not only those visible on face. Most important signs are hidden inside human body. How should you understand that you age earlier than you must to? What should you do to turn back time?

1. Strength
If you have noticed that you do not have enough strength for daily activities – it is first sign that you age more rapidly than you should.
What to do?
Work on your strength. For example, squeeze small rubber ball for about 90 seconds three times a day. Even small everyday loads would add several years to your life.

2. Balance
The ability to maintain balance is one more sign of a healthy and young body. If you stand unsteady on your legs you risk to fall. Loss of balance and falling are major causes of death from traumas when falling among older women.
What to do?
Make next exercise for legs: stand 10 seconds on a leg than on another three times a day. With time, you may increase time and even try to make this exercise with closed eyes.

3. Memory

Memory is retention and further reproduction of feelings, thoughts and images, objects and phenomenon perceived by a man.
Memory processes:
1) Remembering. During this process we find out something new by binding with early acquired knowledge.
2) Retention. This process in connected with specification of importance of any given information.
3) Reproduction. During this process knowledge is taken from permanent memory and is transmitted to operative memory.
With age we lose memory because of deficiency of mental exercises or inactivity. If you don't train area of brain responsible for memory, then this function breaks.
What to do?
Do not write on paper list of products you need to buy in the market. Try to remember it. Train your memory by remembering as much information as possible and then reproduce it.

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