Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Arrhythmia Treatment

Medication treatment
There exists four groups of antiarrhythmic drugs:
 - Membrane stabilizing drugs such as quinidin, lidocaine, allapinin. It is well known that in many diseases first of all suffer cell membranes. The effectiveness of complex therapy depends on restructuration of cell membranes and their protection which provide membrane stabilizing drugs.
 - Beta-adrenoreceptor blockers such as propranolol and its analogues. Those drugs slow down conduction speed of electrical pulse, reduce frequency and heart force.
 - Amiodarone slows down sinus rhythms and prolongs time for actuation conduction.
 - Calcium channel inhibitors. Major and most effective antiarrhythmic drug from this group is verapamil which reduces heart rate frequency and inhibits conduction in atrioventricular node.

Placement of cardiostimulator

Cardiostimulator is a medical device used for correction of heart rate. Primary objective of cardiostimulator is intrusion of a certain deflate rate when the heart beats rarely or in case of electrophysiological incoordination in auricular contraction.  In this incoordination, impulse going from sinoatrial node spreads to auricles and not achieves ventricles.

As a result, auricles do dwindle in their own, more frequent rhythm, and ventricles too. Cardiostimulator is small and is placed in a hermetic metal envelope. Modern cardiostimulators conceive own cardiac electrical activity and are able to differ adequate heart rhythm from its disorder. When device gets information about rhythm disturbance, it begins to generate impulses for cardiac muscle stimulation.

Radiofrequency ablation
Radiofrequency ablation consists of restitution of normal heart rhythm by burning small area of cardiac muscle. Usually this operation is performed under local anesthesia. Depending on heart section, where operation is going to be performed, doctor needles patient's femoral vein or arteria, subclavian vein.

Via prick under X-Ray control are inserted electrodes into heart cavity. At the beginning, doctor performs electrophysiological study of heart to detect zones that are source of arrhythmia and then acts on zones with radio-frequency energy by burning it. After that is performed one more time electrophysiological study  to estimate the effectiveness of treatment and if all indicants satisfy the doctor, he finishes the operation.

The operation is made in cases of ciliary arrhythmia and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.

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