Thursday, June 28, 2012

How To Keep Your Heart Healthy

The statistics is disappointing: the number of cardiovascular diseases increases annually, moreover, heart diseases do affect young people. Often heart diseases are caused by stress, bad habits and other factors that we create ourselves. What habits should we acquire and what habits should we avoid?

Make exercises
Go to the gym or swimming pool, but before it you should necessary consult the doctor. Listen to your body and choose an optimal load and never overdo it. If you don't have enough time for fitness, you should spend more time on fresh air. Doctors recommend to get over three kilometers daily at a lively pace to train heart. You may also occupy with Nordic walking that is not only fashionable today but also healthy. The only sports equipment that you may need is special walking-sticks. Such walking trains heart and 90% of all body muscles and helps to burn 45% more calories than usual walking. Multiple studies made by Scandinavian scientists showed that one hour walking 5 times a week helps to reduce heart risks by 50%.

Follow a healthy diet
Consume more vegetables, fruits, fish, less roasted and fatty foods. Besides this, dietitians recommend to consume cereals, vegetable oils and whole-wheat bread, they prevent cholesterol increase and blood clot organization. Do not forget about strawberries, red bilberries, apricots and especially raspberries. They are rich in salicylic acid that helps to normalize blood coagulability. Desiccated raspberries contain it 20 times more than fresh berries. Also salicylic acids are found in raspberry leaves, therefore add them in tea.

Look after your weight
Excessive weight provokes increase of cholesterol level, sugar, blood pressure which increases risks for atherosclerosis. Visceral adiposopathy (fats are accumulated around internals) and obesity in abdomen area are greatest risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and more often they do affect people aged 35 – 45.

Refuse from smoking
Here everything is clear. Cigarettes and heart are antonyms.

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