Thursday, July 19, 2012

Avoid Stress for Heart Health

Most specialists say that safe amount of coffee per day is no more than three small cups. Moreover, small amount of coffee is healthy for heart.

For example, scientists from California University during 15 years examined 27,000 women and came to a conclusion that 1-2 cups of freshly brewed coffee  per day helped to reduce risks for cardiovascular diseases almost by 25%.

As to alcohol, it may bring both benefit and great harm to human body and cardiovascular system. To strengthen heart, many doctors recommend to drink a glass of red wine no more than 2-3 times weekly.

Doctors know that stress and worries have a negative effect on our heart. Scientists from University College London recently found that in people with chronic stress very quickly do develop coronary artery diseases.

Scientists from Free University Medical Centre Amsterdam proved that high concentration of key stress hormone called cortisone five time increases death risks from such cardiovascular diseases as heart attack, blood stroke and heart failure, therefore you should fight it with all possible ways.

Make exercises, keep company with positive people, in other words, seek for any opportunity for positive emotions.

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