Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Five Reasons You Need To Eat More Fiber

Fiber is an essential nutrient which prevents many diseases and helps to lose weight. If you still have doubts about its benefits, check 5 reasons why you should eat it.

1. Healthy heart
Fiber helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol level. According to latest studies made by American researchers, in adults whose diet was rich with fiber the risks for cardiovascular disease development was significantly reduced.

2. Slim figure

Experts claim that people who ate 14g of fiber daily during 4 months lost 2kg of weight.

3. Low risks for diabetes type 2
Fiber found in wholegrain products reduces risks for diabetes development by 35%. Soluble fiber slows down digestion and thus normalizes glucose level in blood.

4. Regular intestinal habits
Fiber softens intestinal habits and reduces the risks for retention of feces. Experts say fiber reduces the risks for diverticulitis development.

5. Longevity

Researchers say that daily norm of 26g of fiber for women and 29g of fiber for men do reduce the risks for early death by 35%. The only condition here is that human body should get this fiber from wholegrain products.

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