Monday, August 13, 2012

Risk Factors For Alzheimer's Disease. Part One.

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive deterioration of memory and speech that makes patient unable to do without secondary help. What risk factors influence the development of Alzheimer's disease? This neurological condition is one of most common forms of weakness of mind which may be developed under the influence of next factors.

1. Advanced age
One of major factors leading to development of Alzheimer's disease is age. In the ages 71 – 79 from Alzheimer's disease do suffer 2.3% of people, in the ages 80 – 89 – 18%, and in the age over 90 -  29,7%. According to certain estimations, from Alzheimer's disease suffer half of people over 85.

2. The female sex
The risks for Alzheimer's disease in females is higher than in males because females live longer and the disease develops in elderly and senile age. One more cause is menopause and increased number of estrogen in female's body.

3. Alzheimer's disease in first-degree relatives
It is considered that Alzheimer's disease is developed under the influence of genetic factors and  particular lifestyle. Therefore, if close relatives suffer from Alzheimer's disease then there exists risk that the disease will be transmitted from human by inheritance.

4. Smoking
According to latest data, smoking two times increases risks for Alzheimer's disease. The reason lies in the fact that smoking has negative effects on cardiovascular system and leads to cells damage due to acidification that occurs in Alzheimer's disease.

To be continued.

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