Friday, August 24, 2012

Risk Factors For Alzheimer's Disease. Part Two

We continue to talk about risk factors for Alzheimer's disease. Check Part One. 

5. Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes increases by two times risks for Alzheimer's disease development. According to latest research data, the higher sugar in blood the higher risks for development of mental debility. The reason for such regularity is still unclear.

6. Obesity
As a rule, obesity is coupled with diabetes, raised blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. All those diseases are connected with Alzheimer's disease. Besides this, one of signs of Alzheimer's disease may be reasonless weight loss that starts 6 – 10 years before symptoms appearing.

7. Head injury

According to data of a large research in which participated Veterans of World War II, the harder head injury is, the higher risks for Alzheimer's disease development. Scientists think that development of Alzheimer's disease after head injury is determined with faints that appear after several years after injury.

8. Low level of education

The lower level of education, the higher the risks for Alzheimer's disease development. Scientists consider that during learning between neurones in the brain get formed complex connections which helps to avoid loop of intelligence and resist stresses.

To be continued.

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