Monday, September 10, 2012

Risk Factors For Alzheimer's Disease. Part Three

We continue to talk about risk factors for Alzheimer's disease.
Check Part One and Part Two.

9. Unbalanced diet
Risks for Alzheimer's disease development increases in case of consumption of fatty food and unbalanced diet. To reduce this risks it is necessary to eat products rich in vitamins of B group, vitamins C and E and complex carbohydrates.

10. Lack of physical activity
According to the data of 2006, regular exercises in people over 65 reduce risks for mental debility development by 40%. Physical activity should take not less than 15 minutes daily and not less than three times weekly. It should be noted that physical activity also lowers the risks for development of obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

11. Deficient mental activity
Just like physical activity exercises the body, mental activity exercises the brain. According to the research, visiting museums, reading newspapers and working crossword puzzles reduce the risks for  Alzheimer's disease development by 47%.

12. Social isolation
One of the factors of mental debility development is low social activity. According to the data of 2007, risks for Alzheimer's disease development increases even in case when a man has close people but he feels lonely anyway or in other words he experiences an emotional isolation.

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