Friday, December 7, 2012

How To Fight Aging

As a rule, we do not want to think about aging while we face it “suddenly” in the middle of our life. American scientists have obtained interesting data when they tried to establish the date of beginning of human aging. It turned out that process of aging begins at 27 years old! Thus after childhood finishes the aging begins.

Most intensive period of mental and intellectual activity of humans is at 22 years old, but in five years begins process of aging. Then in ten years man faces with such irreversible process as memory impairment. Sadly, but aging is our future. Can we somehow influence on this process? We can.

First, an important role plays self-suggestion. For instance, when a man believes that with age human memory aggravates, then exactly this thing occurs with him. However, if we do not have stereotypes about personal aging then with great likelihood ratio we will not lose the ability for intellectual development.

Scientists went to even greater lengths and proved that everything depends on human desires, or in other words, always there must be plans and objectives for the future. Aging comes when a man loses interest in life, his desires fade away and the man stops striving for something new preferring resting.

Major secret of victory over aging is hidden in orientation of this inner motion. The point is that the man should not just strive for achievement of a particular egoistic purposes as it brings short satisfaction only to him, but he must take into account another people's needs.

Besides this, it is important to interact with society for achievement of common positive aims. Such approach may practically revoke aging and make life happier for many years!

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